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Professional Develpoment Training Programs designed to improve Communication,
Performance, and Team Building.

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Counselor Training Programs are designed for both Personal and Professional Development.

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Professional Development Seminars 
As a Motivational Speaker and a Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist, Annette conducts a variety of Corporate Training Programs for Professional Development.  Each training program can be modified to meet the specific needs of the company. 
Some recent programs are:
Team Building and Organizational Development Workshops
All Day Training Seminars are focused on Team Building Skills and Professional and Organizational Development.  Trainings facilitate Building Trust among Team Members, enhancing Effective Communication within the Organization, developing Conflict Management Skills among the Team Members, and establishing Clear and Focused Goals with Measurable Outcomes.
Enhancing Communication in the Workplace
A One-Day Training Seminar designed to Build Better Relationships in the Workplace.
This training seminar focuses on developing more effective communication skills, identifying psychological resistance patterns, overcoming personal barriers towards change and learning how to manage conflict in the workplace more efficiently and effectively.
Creating Balance in Our Lives:
Enhancing Our Own Career Performance
This seminar is designed to reduce the overall stress in our lives through exploring the synergistic effect of Life Balance in maximizing our potential and sustaining peak performance.
Enhancing Our Own Intuitive Process:
Optimizing Our Success
A close look at how our Mind-Body-Spirit connections influence our health and our personal well-being and professional success.
This seminar is designed to enhance our lives both personally and professionally.  We explore the dynamics involved in enhancing our own intuitive process, which optimizes our professional success and increases our ability to experience more authentic interactions with others.


Annette Franks, M.Ed. LPC
Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist
Columbus, Ohio
      Annette Franks is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist.  She trains mental health professionals as a Faculty Member at The Gestalt Institute of Central Ohio and The Ohio State University Summer Institute of Addiction Studies.  Annette has been training mental health professionals around the country for many years.  With a Gestalt perspective and an extensive background in Holistic Health Care Modalities and Energy Medicine, she facilitates training seminars designed to help professionals gain a clearer understanding of the therapeutic process and the mind-body-spirit connections.  Annette also has an extensive background in the Field of Addictions.  She is a dynamic facilitator and teacher.  Her presentation teaching style and handout materials are clear and to the point.  As a Motivational and Keynote Speaker, Annette has developed an authentic ability to captivate her audiences and keep their attention.
      Especially in these days of managed health care, we need as many efficient and effective treatment modalities as possible.   Annette’s training seminars are designed to give practitioners a closer look at the therapeutic process. She helps practitioners develop more counseling tools and techniques in assisting clients toward inner personal growth and empowerment.  She tailors her seminars according to the specific needs of the target audiences.   Most seminars are one to two full days in length. The length of time and the seminar training content are designed specifically to fit the needs of your facility and training needs.
      Annette’s seminars are designed to meet the needs of your staff and facility.   With 30 years of counseling experience, she works with you to design specific training needs that can enhance practitioner’s therapeutic skills in all types of counseling settings.   Annette uses a combination of teaching methods including lecture, handouts and experiential exercises.  She has developed a vast array of handouts and training materials that practitioners can use again with their own clients.  
Some Counselor Training Programs include:
• Understanding and Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Understanding the Therapeutic Process
• Empowering Ourselves;  Empowering Our Clients
• Working With Couples
• Understanding and Treating Addiction
• Intervention Strategies
• Understanding  the Addiction Recovery Process and Holistic Self Care
• Understanding Addiction and the Psychological Effects on the Family 
• Building Self Esteem
• Balancing Body, Mind & Spirit - A Holistic Approach to Wellness & Empowerment
• Building a Private Practice

     These are some of the specific training objectives that can be addressed:
·        Describe laying the groundwork for the therapeutic process in enhancing client self-awareness, self-responsibility, and self-empowerment.
·        Identify client resistance patterns that emerge in the therapeutic process.
·        Examine the mind-body-spirit connections and how our psychological health influences our physical health and well-being.
·        Identify how our belief systems enhance or limit our personal growth and development and describe therapeutic techniques to transform limiting beliefs and build self-esteem.
·        Examine mindfulness exercises and breath-work techniques to increase client self-awareness and enable clients to be more present in the moment and to experience their emotions more fully. 
·        Explore ways to help clients experience their internal emotional process more fully.
·        Describe the power of language and how language can limit or promote the therapeutic process.
·        Examine authentic contact and techniques to help client’s develop a clearer understanding of their own internal processes.
·        Identify therapeutic tools and techniques in assisting clients toward inner personal growth and empowerment.
·        Examine dynamics in working with individuals and couples in the areas of communication, managing conflict and relationship building skills.
·        Explore the psychological dynamics of healthy family systems versus dysfunctional family systems.
·        Explore methods to enhance intuition and work through past, unresolved issues.
·        Identify methods to enhance self-esteem and self-empowerment.
·        Explore self-care and holistic life balance needs.
·        Identify the Addiction Process including the physiology and psychological symptoms of the brain disease of addiction.
·        Examine the Family Dynamics of Addiction and Intervention Strategies.  
·        Describe Addiction Treatment Methods and the Addiction Recovery Process.
Annette works with you to design a training program that best meets your needs.  For more information on Counselor Training Seminars, please contact Annette at her Private Practice Office location in Columbus, Ohio.   The number is (614) 785-1066.

Annette Franks, M.Ed., LPC
Motivational Speaker/Trainer
136 Northwoods Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43235


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