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Individual Consultations are provided for Personal and/or Professional Development.
Consultations are usually scheduled for one hour and may be in Person or by Phone.
Consultations Fees are $150/Hour.




• Individuals
• Couples
• Young Adults
• Holistic Life Balance
• Personal Development
• Professional Development
• Life Purpose Exploration

• Relationship Building
• Mental Health Issues
• Addiction and Recovery
• Character Disorders
• Codependency
• Depression

Counseling Services Supervised by Terence Donohue, M.Ed., LPCC

Office Hours for Counseling and Consulting Sessions are primarily Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Daytime Hours and Early Evenings Only.      (11 am until 7 pm)
Counseling Sessions are $150 per 50 minute Session.

Counseling Sessions are covered by many Insurance Companies under "Out of Network" Providers.  Payment is expected at the time of Service either by Check or Cash.  An Insurance Form receipt is given at the time of Service so that you can turn it into your Insurance Company for Reimbursement if you choose.   To find out how much your Reimbursement will be, please contact your Insurance Company and ask them how much they Reimburse for "Out of Network" Counseling Services.  
Please Note:  All Counseling Appointments need to be Scheduled and/or Cancelled by Phone or in Person.  I do not schedule appointments or receive personal information through email.  I consider all client information Confidential and never use email to send or receive Confidential personal information.   Thank You for this Consideration.   I believe it is in everyone's best interest to keep Confidential information off the internet.

For Daytime and Evening Appointments also you may Contact my Office Colleague listed below. 
Erin McHam is also located at 136 Northwoods Blvd.
For a list of her Services and Fee Schedule:
Erin McHam, M.A., LPCC   614-436-6057

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